A Range of Curriculum-Linked Topics
Our 45-50 min workshop sessions will make your visit a complete day out. Led by our staff, your students will get hands on with objects and interactive activities to explore topics that complement your boat trip. We cover a range of curriculum-linked topics, from science and social history to literacy and geography, aimed at various key stages.
To see the workshops we currently offer, please download our Teacher Information Pack. If you’re interested in a session for an age group not listed in the pack then please ask; we’re happy to develop alternatives for your students. Are your students working towards an Arts Award? Many of our workshops already contain elements that could help them on their journey, and we’re happy to adapt sessions to include new things to support this.
Not working towards Arts Award, but would like to be? We are an Arts Award centre with an in-house adviser who can assess awards at Discover, Explore, Bronze and Silver levels, so get in touch with us if you’d like to know more about how we can help your students to achieve one of these awards.
Get in touch with us by email to info@dctt.org.uk to discuss your perfect visit.
You can view and download our risk assessments here.