Keeping things fresh and on message

If you are a regular visitor you may have seen a few changes with us here at the Trust,  for one, our name. Though we are very proud to be Dudley Canal and Tunnel Trust we were aware we needed a name that was more representative of what we are and what we do so after a brainstorming session and a range of strange suggestions we settled for Dudley Canal and Caverns and from this came a refreshed logo and new colour palette.


Inspired by this we have been busy rolling out the new branding across all our marketing and activities, its been slow, we would have liked to do it all at once but it was just not feasible.

Our new website has tied into the brand and it really gives us a great opportunity to showcase all that is on offer and keep you updated on our achievements and projects.

The next area we have tackled is our entrance signage, especially our lovely new Gongoozler Café and Restaurant which keeps the theme of our original sign but is much more eye-catching.  As our original sign featured one of our founders and long term members we were keen to keep their image.

All of the work has been done in conjunction with a local firm Nutcracker who we connected with during lockdown. The staff there have a great eye for detail and below is our next task – a new entrance foyer which engages the visitor as soon as they enter.

Our team are currently painting away and we hope to have this in place ready for Easter.

We are now looking at staff uniforms and displays, especially for the Gongoozler Café Restaurant as we want this to be more than just a functional space. It is a great way for us to engage more with our visitors and tell more stories about our themes and history as well as enjoy great coffee and the sunniest balcony in Dudley.